Wellscape will be out-of-the office for vacation on May 31, 2023 through June 11, 2023.
Organic Frozen Strawberry Recall
Please be aware that there is an ongoing recall of organic frozen strawberries due to a Hepatitis A outbreak. As these may be stored in the freezer, they are trying to get the message out so people can check their freezers to see if they may have bought the involved brands.
COVID-19 News
COVID-19 Federal Public Health Emergency Ended
As you likely have heard, as of May 11, 2023, the federal government has ended the public health emergency for COVID-19. This does not mean COVID-19 is “over,” but it does change how the government is involved in handling data and providing resources. A good outline of how things have changed is on this information page from the CDC.
Part of this is the lifting of mask mandates and recommendations. I still encourage the use of masks as indicated; for instance, if you are sick, to avoid spreading an illness to others, or if you are at higher risk from illness and will be in a crowded area, etc.
The medications for treatment of COVID-19 are still available (Paxlovid, Lagevrio), so if you come down with COVID-19, please let me know so we can decide if the medication is appropriate for you. The medication needs to be started within 5 days from the onset of your symptoms to have effect.
I do ask that if you are coming into the office for a visit and are not feeling well, please inform me ahead of time and please do plan to wear a mask, thank you! Also, please let me know if you prefer that I mask, I am happy to.
Omicron-specific Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccination
As of now, the only booster available in the US is the bivalent vaccination, which covers the omicron variant as well as the original COVID-19 strain. If you have not gotten a booster in addition to your initial vaccination series, it is recommended that you get one. If you’ve had a recent COVID-19 infection, plan to wait at least 3 months before getting the booster.
A second bivalent booster has also been approved this spring for those older than 65 years and those who are immunocompromised. More information about this recommendation and the rationale for it provided here.