In Reaction to Violence: Practice Tolerance
In Reaction to Violence: Practice Tolerance
Unspeakable violence again this past week – pipe bombs, mass murder at a synagogue – sparks unspeakable sorrow that we, as a nation and as a human race, cannot learn and foster compassion, kindness, attempts at understanding people who are not like us and people who have differing views. Rhetoric does matter, the words we use to talk about and to each other do matter, and our actions speak even louder.
So do something kind for someone you don’t know today. We can all be better, do better. As we share in the grief, disbelief, and tremendous loss of those who were gunned down this past weekend, and in so many similar events, let’s each one of us raise the level of discourse and human interaction.
Here are some resources that can be helpful:
- 8 Tips to Build Tolerance by the Chopra Center
- Teaching Your Child Tolerance by KidsHealth